Sunday, October 4, 2009

Fall weather is FINALLY here!

It has taken a while, but it's finally jacket and sweatshirt weather. On our packing list from IES, we were told not to bring shorts, because it would get cold in the first few weeks, and we would regret using suitcase space for shorts. I am so glad I ignored that advice, because the weather has been incredibly warm, and I would have been miserable wearing long pants the whole time. Now, though, I think I can finally put the shorts away.

As I was walking home from class one day this week, for some reason I felt like I should be going to a football game soon. That's what fall reminds me of, I guess. I had the urge to get in my truck and drive to the high school...sadly, I have no truck here. Also, even if I was in Goshen, I probably wouldn't feel comfortable in the student section anymore (or even be allowed to stand there, for that matter). It's just interesting to realize what we associate with different seasons.

I am glad that Fall has arrived, and look forward to seeing and experiencing what Autumn in Vienna has to offer!

Here are the week's highlights:

Tuesday, September 29th: I saw "Pique Dame" at the Staatsoper. I was eagerly anticipating hearing the overture, because it was the song that the GHS orchestra opened with at State Finals my senior year. Unfortunately, they cut the overture from the performance. I suppose I should have known that would happen. The opera was already long, so they had to cut something. It was still a great show.

Thursday, October 1st: Thursday was "Der Tag des Kaffees" in Vienna. Many coffee shops in Vienna gave away free coffee (but expected donations for charity). It's an annual event. At Stephansdom, Vienna's most famous church, they served coffee at the top of the South Tower. After German class, I climbed the 343 steps to get some coffee and Sachertorte (a traditional Viennese dessert).

Friday, October 2nd: I danced the night away.

Saturday, October 3rd: I participated in a large nation-wide event, "Lange Nacht der Museen." You buy a pass for 11 Euro, and it will get you into any museum in Austria (there are about 90 in Vienna alone). They all stay open from 6pm to 1am, and there are bus routes that go all over the city to the different museums. I went with Emily and Jorie, and we saw five museums in 6 hours: the Leopold Museum (which houses the world's largest collection of art by Egon Schiele), the MUMOK (Museum of Modern Art), Heindl Schokowelt (Chocolate Museum), Alt-Wiener Schnapsmuseum (Schnapps Museum), and the Naturhistorisches Museum (Natural History). The chocolate and schnapps museums gave free samples, and it ended up being a lot of fun.

Sundays are turning into homework days, and this one is no different. Classes here are really very easy, but I still have to do a few readings for tomorrow, and write a short composition for my Literature class.

I love you all.

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