Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Party in the U.S.A.

I'm back!

Within the past 3-4 days, I have checked all the things off my list. I'm sitting at the Brew, after having my hair cut across the street.

I wasn't sure what would come as a shock upon returning to the States, and for the most part, nothing seems too out of place. I already seem to be on my usual break routine - wake up without an alarm, eat breakfast and watch the morning news, go to the Brew for fast internet and coffee (and the possibility of running into people I know - 2 so far today), go home for lunch, and call up some friends.

Yesterday I had a Winter Solstice party with David, Michael, Little Matthew, Clayton and D-Drive. We went to Abshire, sledded with a broken sled we found there, had a snowball fight, then went to Matt's and drank hot chocolate.

Needless to say, I am enjoying Goshen.

Reflecting on Vienna, there are definitely things I miss. How about another Top Ten List?

1. The Staatsoper - Being able to go to an opera or ballet any night of the week is definitely a cool concept. Boredom was really not an option in Vienna.
2. Kasekrainer - Is there anything that can beat a cheese-filled sausage? (On a sidenote, I am going back to Vegetarianism on January 1st.)
3. Public Transportation - Very efficient, and much less scary than driving on snowy roads.
4. Trains - They make traveling so easy.
5. Pastries
6. Hot wine and punch
7. Pizza City - One Euro for One Piece!
8. Museums
9. Parks - The absolute best place to do homework when the weather is nice.
10. Friends - We are now scattered throughout the world, and I don't know when I will see some of them again.

As for this blog, I think I am done for a while. It was a very fun way to share my experiences abroad, but now it's back to business, and my life will be much less exciting (so you wouldn't want to read about it anyway).

Thanks to all of you who kept up with the blog! I wasn't sure if anyone was reading, but I keep running into people here who say they were. That feedback definitely makes it all seem worthwhile.

Bye for now, and Happy Holidays!

I love you all.

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